Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Introducing The Strong Body Studio

The Strong Body Studio is coming.......

On January 18, 2010, The Strong Body Studio will open in the 5321 Derry Ave location. Please go to the new blog for for information....Click here to go to the new blog

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Studio Will Not Close

I am still here, and will be!!!

betterbody too will cease to exist 12/31/09, but I will still be at the studio.

My passion is making women strong, and making strong women stronger. It is what I do. And over the past year, I have become very good at what I do.

I am at the studio every day. Come work/play with me...

It is your choice and privilege to choose where, when, with whom, and how you work out. I hope you will try out and choose me, but wish you your best way to be strong, whether it be with me, another Pilates studio, spin, bicycling, dance or whatever engages your body, your mind and your spirit...

And as I always close all my letters to you with:

Wishing you strength & joy,

Emily Belanger